A lot of times when we come across a new installation of Windows 10 or Windows 7 it is seen that the shared folders are not accessible. This is a solution that I found out after some searching.
1. Open the Windows run box by pressing ‘Windows Key + R’ and then typing
(where the SHAREADDRESS is the IP or computer name of the PC you are trying to access)
(where the SHAREADDRESS is the IP or computer name of the PC you are trying to access)
2. Now again press ‘Windows Key + R’ to call the run box of windows 10 and type
(where the SHAREADDRESS is the IP or computer name of the PC you are trying to access)
(where the SHAREADDRESS is the IP or computer name of the PC you are trying to access)
3. Now enter the required login information and you should get ‘The command completed successfully.’ then you should be able to go to the share as normal.